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Monday, December 12, 2011

Lending on Kindle and Nook

Maybe you've been too busy to notice, but Kindle and NOOK fiends are very excited. Lending has been enabled for Kindle recently through OverDrive, so now you can borrow eBooks from your local public library for FREE! Woohoo! Also, sites like Lendle and eBook Fling allow registered users to trade lending-enabled books safely and securely. I'm loving it! I'm off to read my latest downloaded book for free right now...

Happy Reading!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Get Prepared for the New School Year: Declutter and Organize

When I moved to another school this year, I found that I really had no use for a file cabinet. Most of my materials are stored online in cloud-based applications or on my flashdrives (I organize my flashdrives by year). I was able to throw away all materials in my two large file cabinets. It seemed like such a waste to keep and transport all those outdated or unused handouts/materials to a new school. I did, of course, keep many of my classroom library books. However, even then, I discarded or donated many older titles that kids haven't checked-out in two years.

Books and other materials are wonderful, but let's not become hoarders. There are always children that need books, new teachers who need to create classroom libraries, and churches or pre-schools that could use extra materials. Once a year, go through and purge materials you have not touched in two years and shred all documents with sensitive materials. (Of course, keep anything that you must house for legal purposes. Just box it up neatly and label it so that it is out of your way.) If you do a little at a time, you'll see that your workspace stays primarily clutter-free. A full-blown purge may take days or even weeks, but you'll feel much better afterwards. I guarantee next time you'll think twice before throwing another file folder full of worthless junk into the file cabinet.

Happy Reading!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Unquiet Librarian

I met Buffy during a workshop this summer. You should definitely follow her if you are interested in incorporating eBooks and eReaders into your classroom or library. Find her blog at

Happy Reading!

New Wiki

Hello, all!

I've been a very busy girl lately. I just created a wiki for teachers who are interested in integrating more instructional technology into their lessons. Visit my wiki at

Happy Reading!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I think I've talked about before. Let me just reiterate: IT'S AWESOME. I did a presentation using the other day and it was wonderful. I recieved some good feedback on it. Let me just say that using Prezi is not as easy or quick as creating your regular, run-of-the-mill PowerPoint, but it is so cool that the time is worth it.

Check out my Prezis at Type in my name "Antoinette Mursier" and all of my shared prezis will appear. Way cool.

Happy Reading!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

February Book Trailer of the Month!

I have wanted to read this book for awhile. This teen-produced book trailer made me want to read it NOW!

Happy Reading!

Audible.comQuick Post:

Subscribe to and start downloading audio books for wallet-friendly prices (many new titles for $12-15). They make your commute bearable and build your audio library. If you use it once, you'll be hooked. Just make sure to buy a whole stack of CD-Rs!

Happy Listening!

Word Walls - Not Just for Decor Anymore

Went to an interesting Word Study professional development today. The presenter talked about the right and wrong ways to use Word Walls. Below are some of her timely suggestions.

How to make Word Walls work for you:
  • Add words gradually
  • Make words easily accessible (i.e. not behind computers, eye-level for comfortable viewing, etc.)
  • Use colors for confusing words
  • Choose words judiciously
  • Provide opportunities for on-going review
  • Make kids accountable for recognizing and correctly spelling these words
These tips made me realize that my homely little Word Wall needs to be spruced up a bit. How about yours?

Below is an website with ideas on how a Word Wall could look and where you could squeeeeeeze one in your room.

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kindles, NOOKs, and e-Readers

Kindle. The #1 Bestseller on Amazon. Order Now.I heart! I just love them and I love my Kindle. I am a book lover. The moldy smell, the rough edges, the crinkly warning sound as you open a hardback too far....Ahhh, I love it!  I never thought I'd be one of "those people" with a Kindle. Now I have one and you'll have to tear it from my cold, dead hands before you can take it from me (even then I might decide to haunt you for the fun of it).

Now that I have one, what do I do with it in my classroom? We have several in our media center, but we have a problem. The connundrum is that every Kindle is tied to an Amazon account with an active credit card. So how do we use them effectively without having a million dollar bill from some kid going on a book spree? Do we just use them for the staff? Encourage kids to buy their own? I don't know, but I want to solve this issue. It's keeping me up at night. What's the good of having the technology if you can't safely use it in your classroom?!?!?!

Google Reader

If you don't have a Google Reader, then GET ONE! These days it is almost impossible to keep up with all the cool blogs and information that is available. Put it all in one spot. It's like one stop shopping (without the Wally World greeter)!

Hello again...

Yes, it has been quite awhile. I do enjoy posting, but I often forget - a lot. Here are some things that I've been doing since my last post:

Reading (of course)
Starting a new book blog using eChalk
Reading blogs
Attending the NCTE conference in Orlando
Stalking authors that I met in Orlando
and so on...

I hope to add more to my blog in the upcoming days and weeks. I think it's time to kick the tires and light the fires!

Happy Reading!